Our services:

    Our main and only service is fortune telling / divination service by Nino Cvetković Robič

(  as i described you before…i use my own version of I Ching -The book od Change )


 All  business contacts must be scheduled .

That means we appreciate systemic order and discipline


We have a special page dedicated  to our  services…of  MIND CENTRAL KNOWLEDGE CENTER : 




Symbolism of dragons is very important in I CHING -THE BOOK OF CHANGE

I Ching - The book of Change was appreciated and respected by many wise men in ancient times in ancient chinese state . Never forget that chinese state is around 5000 years old -just like I Ching . Legendary author of I Ching -the oldest book on our planet was legendary first chinese emperor , inventor and founder of chinese state - FU XI !! AS LEGENDS SAY ...HE WAS ALSO A SHAMAN WITH SOME MAJOR SIDDHIS - MIND SUPER POWERS . HE COULD TAME WILD ANIMALS WITH THE POWER OF HIS MIND .